Nordic Constructors celebrates
every space.

We embrace the unique features and benefits that every space has to offer, from kitchen counters to timber-frame homes. An openness to the creative process is the key to our success, and we work best with clients who share this value.

Nordic Constructors takes on one project at a time.

This unique approach allows each client to receive our undivided attention and benefit from the momentum of our work ethic. Once our team begins a project, it remains our single focus until it's finished.

Nordic Constructors builds to last.

Our commitment to longevity ensures structures and finishes will season well. Sustainability is foundational to our process as we strive for the perfect balance of longevity, functionality and beauty.

Our Process

  • Site Assessment

    Nordic Constructors understands the value of research. We look at land surveys and permitting requirements and consider how elevation and drainage factor in to how a building performs over time.

  • Design Approval

    We begin with an initial design, understanding that problems and solutions arise during the creative process. Our experience building and renovating in Alaska for nearly 20 years gives us unique insights into the land and experience with solving uncommon construction problems unique to Alaska.

  • Begin Work

    As proud Alaskan residents, we are used to producing in a short season. This means the Nordic Constructors team not only creates something special for you, but we also bring momentum to the construction process. We are committed to bringing your home or commercial project to fruition as quickly as our high standard of work allows.

PASt Clients